Club 77 in Sydney, Australia, updated its "zero-tolerance policy" on harassment earlier this month, stating "any engagement MUST begin with verbal consent" including "staring at someone from afar."
"Club 77 is not a place to come to if your sole purpose is to 'pick up'," the club said on Instagram. "If you do come in and are approaching multiple people or giving unwanted attention to someone, you are going to attract the attention of our security, who have been instructed to stop this kind of behavior."
Offenders of the updated policy will be removed from the venue. The club said they "adopt a policy of 'always believe the report' in cases of harassment and feeling unsafe."
"Each night, one of our security guards inside the club will be designated a 'Safety Officer' and recognisable by a pink hi-vis vest. They have been trained to handle complaints and concerns," the club said.
I'm sure this will be great for business! 😆
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇