Awful Daily Beast editor waits just one day before dunking on congressman Luke Letlow for dying with COVID-19.
· Dec 30, 2020 ·

And the terrible person award goes to...

Molly Jong-Fast, Editor-At-Large at The Daily Beast.

Congrats, Molly! You really earned it with this tweet.

Yes, Luke Letlow, Congressman-elect for Louisiana contracted Covid-19 and passed away Tuesday evening from complications. He was just 41.

Letlow had been opposed to economic shutdowns, which to simple-minded Leftists like Molly is the exact same thing as not taking Covid seriously at all. Therefore, he basically deserved to die, right?

At least that's the best moral reasoning I can come up with to justify such a despicable Tweet.

Just awful.

Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards, who also happens to be a Democrat, urged people to pray for Luke Letlow's family, and said the following in a statement:

"COVID-19 has taken Congressman-elect Letlow from us far too soon," the Democratic governor said in a statement. "I am heartbroken that he will not be able to serve our people as a U.S. representative, but I am even more devastated for his loving family."

That's a great example of the way a human responds to tragic news, even if the person doesn't share your politics.

Let's remember to pray for the Letlow family.

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