BBC cites study that uses the bubonic plague that killed more than half of London as an example of systemic racism. Yes, really.
· Nov 21, 2023 ·

Guys, a new Racism™ just dropped.

According to the folks at the BBC, the London plague, the one in medieval times from 1348-1350, was racist.

And that's why it was called the "Black Death."

(Just kidding, I made that one up.)

They aren't arguing that the plague is racist. They're instead taking the modern view of "systemic racism" and painting it onto the past to try to make white people today feel bad because black people died in the plague.

Data on bone and dental changes of the 145 individuals from East Smithfield emergency plague cemetery, St Mary Graces and St Mary Spital formed the basis of the study...

The research concluded that higher death rates amongst people of colour and those of black African descent was a result of the "devastating effects" of "premodern structural racism" in the medieval world.

Structural racism has been the silent killer for centuries, according to these "researchers" and "experts" in historic racism.

According to the article, 35,000 people died in London during the plague, more than HALF OF THE CITY. The plague itself killed 40-60% of the country during the first outbreak in 1348, followed by about 20% of the country 20 years later, followed by intermittent waves of death over the next few centuries. Worldwide, since the first recorded outbreak in the Eastern Roman Empire in 541 AD (that killed between 30-40% of the WORLD population), the bubonic plague has killed hundreds of millions of people.

2013 research confirms it originated along the border region of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and China, but I've been told it's racist to mention where plagues come from.

But our woke BBC hacks want you to believe this research of THREE cemeteries and 145 individuals who died in the plague is the basis for saying that racism CAUSED these deaths.

There was literally a plague that wiped out half of Europe and 700 years later the media is here to tell us that was "black women most affected!"

Yeah, there is no data in the article other than the assertion that the proportion of dead black women in these three graves was greater than the proportion of the population.

How many black women were even living in London at this time? Like a dozen?

There's no reason to believe this study's conclusion is anything other than politically and ideologically motivated.

Here an "expert" admits that there's no anthropological evidence, so they're just digging in order to tie the plague back in the 1300s to today's politics:

Dr Rebecca Redfern, from the Museum of London, said: "We have no primary written sources from people of colour and those of black African descent during the Great Pestilence of the 14th Century, so archaeological research is essential to understanding more about their lives and experiences.

"As with the recent Covid-19 pandemic, social and economic environment played a significant role in people's health and this is most likely why we find more people of colour and those of black African descent in plague burials."

"This is most likely why ..." is academic speak for "This is the political message I would like to push."

The replies to the BBC are absolutely brutal:

The fake news media and academia are jokes.

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