It sure is nice to take a break from all the treasonous, heinous, and despicable international bribery scandals of the Biden White House to focus on this more mundane form of corruption.
Remember when Hunter started selling his artwork a couple years back and absolutely everyone said, "Oh, that's definitely corruption and money laundering"?
Yeah, well, anyway, one of the ladies who just so happened to buy some of Hunter's artwork now, by pure coincidence, I'm sure, is sitting on a prestigious government-appointed commission thanks to the (alleged) Big Guy.
Just a good, old-fashioned corrupt quid pro quo.
You buy some of Hunter's crappy art and we'll give you this prestigious position.

The White House said that his team had a process for carefully vetting buyers, and that their identities were known only to the gallery, and not to Hunter Biden himself. The messaging seemed to suggest that his art patrons came from a rarified universe of collectors who had nothing to do with the hurly-burly of politics.
Neither of those things has turned out to be the case. Hunter Biden did, in fact, learn the identity of two buyers, according to three people directly familiar with his own account of his art career. And one of those buyers is indeed someone who got a favor from the Biden White House.
Wait... are you telling me... Hold on... Do you mean to tell me the President with a cokehead son who happened to start painting and then selling his paintings for hundreds of thousands of dollars... you're telling me there's something suspicious going on here?
You mean to tell me Joe Biden is corrupt? Is that what you're telling me?

The buyer is a Los Angeles woman named Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali.
Hirsh Naftali also happens to be a major Democrat donor, even hosting an event with VP Kamala Harris this year.
And as it happens (coincidentally, of course), a year ago, Biden appointed Hirsh Naftali to the Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad.
A perfect fit for a lover of fine art.
"Hunter Biden is a private citizen who is entitled to have his own career as an artist," Ian Sams, a White House spokesperson, said. "We are not involved in his art sales, and any buyers of his art are not disclosed to the White House."

Also, here's an amazing little nugget, this doesn't appear to be the first time Hunter Biden has sold a spot on this very board!
According to emails on Hunter Biden's laptop from hell, he sold the position to someone else during the Obama years:
In the past, Hunter Biden has privately suggested that he could arrange to have friends seated on the commission. Eric Schwerin, Hunter Biden's longtime business associate, was appointed to the same post by President Barack Obama in 2015. An email apparently from Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop written that year suggests that he had sway over Schwerin's appointment. "Eric asked me for one of these the day after the election in 2008," he wrote to a cousin who had written inquiring about the possibility of a similar appointment for her mother.
My goodness, this is so nakedly corrupt.
Are there still people out there who think the Bidens are law-abiding citizens who should be within 100 miles of the Oval Office??