Biden finally clears way for completion of new gas pipeline. In Russia.
· May 19, 2021 ·

It's all about jobs, good paying jobs, jobs you can raise a family on.

Well, not you.

This is about more than just the economic security of Russian laborers, it's about the German people having access to affordable fossil fuels.

Have you no heart?

Earlier this year, it was a different story.

Back in February, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said the Biden administration considered the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which will transport natural gas from Russia to Germany, "a bad deal" that "exposes Ukraine and Central Europe" to Moscow and "goes against Europe's own stated energy and security goals."

Yeah, never mind about that.

There was also this.

Similarly, during his confirmation hearing, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said he is "determined to do whatever we can to prevent" the completion of the controversial pipeline.

There's a simple explanation for this.

He just confused pipelines.

You have to understand, the Keystone pipeline was contributing to the global climate crisis and was an existential threat to our very existence, while the Russian pipeline is totally different and hey, how about some more stimulus checks? You want some more money? How about a check every month? Good boy. Now run along.

The Biden administration has suggested that there may be other ways to stop the pipeline, and that future sanctions have not been ruled out.

Of course Biden could be playing four-dimensional temporal displacement quantum chess, tricking the rest of the world into building these reckless pipelines while we create our solar panel utopia here in the United States.

Or, you know. Not.

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