Nothing to see here except the buildup to WW3. But no mean tweets!
The US will send a nuclear submarine to visit South Korea for the first time in four decades as part of a new deterrence arrangement between Washington and Seoul that is bound to draw the ire of North Korea.
The arrangement, set to be formalized by President Biden later Wednesday, is being described by the White House as the most significant of its kind since the Cold War.
South Korea already has various strong deterrents in place to protect them from the delusional commies to the north, which makes me think this isn't actually about North Korea at all.
It's about Winnie the Xi.
Consider the following map, with particular attention to Taiwan in the center.
As the U.S. expands its deployment of military assets to South Korea, it has recently built up access to more bases in the Philippines.
Still, if China decides to attack Taiwan, its ally North Korea might decide to fire nukes at its southern neighbor in the chaos, so in addition to the nuclear subs, the U.S. will form a nuclear consultative group (NCG) with South Korea for better intelligence sharing regarding nuclear operations.
"The NCG [is] a regular bilateral consultation mechanism that will focus on nuclear and strategic planning issues and will give our [South Korean] allies additional insight in how we think about planning for major contingencies in many respects," said one official.
The new provisions in the declaration are designed to firm up South Korean public and government trust in the United States' commitment, the official said, and display a united front to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
"The United States has not taken these steps really since the height of the Cold War with our very closest handful of allies in Europe," the official said.
"We are seeking to ensure that by undertaking these new procedures [and] new steps that our commitment to extend deterrence is unquestioned."
Let's pray that deterrence works, and that the commies in Asia somehow come to fear this guy 👇