I know this isn't exactly "breaking news" or anything, but here's your regular reminder that A LOT of Democrats simply hate God.
Of course, you can just look at their voting records and see it clearly, but this one Arizona Democrat's hatred for Christianity and the Bible, in particular, is still, in this day and age, shocking.
Democrat Rep. Stephanie Stahl Hamilton would wander around the members-only lounge at the Arizona state capitol and if she saw a Bible lying around unattended, she would swipe it and hide it.
And, yes, there's video.

Oh and, by the way, Stahl Hamilton is also a Princeton theological seminary grad and an ordained Presbyterian minister.
But I guess her seminary training didn't teach her that stealing and hiding Bibles is wrong. She must have missed that class.
I mean, how much do you have to hate God and religion to do something like this?
The Democrat was caught on camera after Bibles had gone missing over and over again for a long time and no one could understand what was happening.
When called out by the local news for her actions, here's what Stahl Hamilton had to say:
After several requests for comment and a phone call cut short, Arizona's Family confronted Stahl Hamilton for an explanation, who quickly walked away from the camera and questions. Stahl Hamilton sent a statement to Arizona's Family. "Just a little playful commentary on the separation of church and state. I am a Presbyterian minister so I obviously don't have a problem with the Bible," the statement read.
"Just a little playful commentary..."

That's why you stuck the Word of God in the work refrigerator?
You wanna know my theory? No? Well, here it is anyways.
She knows that Democrat policies are in DIRECT opposition to the truth of God as revealed in Scripture, and the presence of God's Word so convicted her and frustrated her that she felt compelled to remove it from the legislative institution that only exists because of English Common Law built on Christian principles.
[This is a really good time for me to remind you that Thomas Jefferson's 1802 letter to the Danbury Baptists did not mean "divorce government from religion." It meant not installing a state church, like, you know, a secular one that flys the gay rainbow flag and forces everyone to play by its religious rules or else suffer a visit from the FBI.]
It could be worse though, I guess. At least she didn't EAT the Bible.