Remember when Joe Biden embarrassed himself, the Democratic Party, and America as a whole on the debate stage last Thursday? Well, we finally have an explanation for his mental collapse: He was so tired he "almost fell asleep on stage."
From The Hill:
POTUS admitted that he did not have a good debate, said he 'wasn't very smart' for "traveling around the world a couple times" before the debate.
'I decided to travel around the world a couple of times ... shortly before the debate ...I didn't listen to my staff ... and then I almost fell asleep on stage.'
POTUS also apologized by saying he was sorry for the performance but stressed that it was 'critical' to win the election.
'It's not an excuse but an explanation,' he said.
He spoke for about 6 minutes, then wrapped and pool was escorted out.

Yup, that's the ticket, Joe! That'll win you back the nation! You almost fell asleep during a presidential debate!
I guess that explains this 👇
Joe spent a few days traveling the globe, returned 12 days before the debate, and then spent an entire week at Camp David preparing for the big night. And now he's using the trip to Europe as an excuse for why he "almost fell asleep on stage" during the debate.
Even CNN wasn't having this excuse.

And the internet just ate it up.

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇