Biden's approval rating falls to just 33%
ยท Dec 15, 2023 ยท

Dude, I'm not a fan of Old Joe, but I honestly feel bad for him after seeing this:



Bro, that's just a third of the country. A third of the country approves of Joe Biden's performance as president. Everyone else, well, they live in this little thing called reality.

The president's approval rating among registered Republicans and those that lean Republican stayed level at 7%, while his support among Democrats tumbled 4 points from June, to 61%.

The pollster notes that Biden's job rating among Democrats has fallen 12 points since October 2022 and is "relatively low among most major demographic groups."

Dude's losing his "base."

A little more context on those numbers:


Just absolutely terrible.

Let's give it up for President Joe Biden, folks โ€” the most popular president in American history!

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