Say what you want about Ann Coulter, but this clip of her spitting facts to Van Jones and Bill Maher will forever live on the internet as yet another example of Bill Maher's crowd laughing at someone for being correct. She stands her ground and takes the shaming laughter like a champ and that's why I love this.
Maher: "We don't know who did this shooting, by the way. The Super Bowl shooting."
Coulter: "We have some idea. If it were a white man shooting we'd know."
Maher: "Well, we don't know."
Coulter: "That's how we know it's not a white man, I can tell you that much."
Maher: "As of Friday night, February 16, we don't officially know. Okay, you know, you have special powers."
[Laughter from the uninformed.]
Sick burn, Bill! Sick burn!
You can tell by the look on Van Jones' face that he knows Ann Coulter is correct here. Though as a man who works for the mainstream media he knows to keep his mouth shut.
And by golly, look at this:
From the TMZ article:
We all knew this was the case because we follow the news here, not the mainstream media or Lefty outlets.
But it takes a lot of guts to go out there on Bill Maher's show, tell the truth, become the butt of a joke, and then get laughed at by the uninformed dopes in the crowd.
If you're willing to be the person who people laugh at, make jokes about, and then later find out was right, you're my kind of person. Be Ann Coulter, folks. Well, maybe not 100% Ann Coulter, but be, like, the Ann Coulter who isn't afraid to tell the truth in the face of laughter. Yeah, be that!
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