"The invisible boogeyman of systematic racism." Yes, she said that!
More nuggets of anti-woke sanity from Miss Montzka:
- "I'm sick of everyone denying the enormous progress we've made in this country, acting like it's 1930."
- "This curriculum will not help kids of color succeed. All it does is remove any reason to try."
- "I can see why you white proponents of this bill might support it. It's not your kids being told that they can't succeed, and you get to shed some of your white guilt in the process."
- "But you legislators of color – how can you? You made it despite the invisible boogeyman of systematic racism. You were voted in by a majority of white people. You hold some of the most powerful positions in this state – yet you want to tell my kids and other kids of color that they can't succeed? It's shameful. It's terrible."

For the record, this is the bill she is taking a poleaxe to. Minnesota Democrats want to mandate "ethnic studies" (ie. CRT) curriculum in public schools beginning in kindergarten.
As an aside, her name, Kofi Montzka, first name pronounced like "coffee," might be the single coolest name I've ever heard in my life.
Cheers to you, ma'am. I have a feeling your three boys are on the right track.