How much does America owe other countries? A cool $7.3 trillion. That's $7,300,000,000,000 — or about $22,000 per every man, woman, and child in the U.S.
Cool graphic from Visual Capitalist:
(See gigantic version of image here.)
Here's the chart version:
I'll be honest, I thought China would be number one. As it turns out, Japan surpassed China as the top U.S. debt holder in 2019 after China dumped over $250 billion, or 30% of its holdings in the four years before that.
Here's an unsettling graph for you:
That's a lot of friggin debt. You might ask yourself, "How much interest are we paying on all that debt?" because that's a reasonable question to ask.
Answer: $213 billion ... Just last quarter.
That's $2,340,659,340 the U.S. paid per day in interest alone last quarter.