Blasphemy Olympics: German Bible museum debuts "trans Jesus" exhibit, hosts "Jesus Queen of Heaven" play
· Dec 19, 2021 ·

Biblehaus Frankfurt is trying REALLY hard to win the Blasphemy Olympics.

The name of this place suggests it should be considered a Bible museum, but there is nothing Bible nor museum about ANY of this.

This anti-Bible "museum" recently opened an exhibit with three items that are supposed to demonstrate "the diversity of gender identities from biblical and modern times."

"Take a look at the diversity of gender identities from biblical and modern times and find a divine answer that fits all questions: You are good as you are," the exhibit's website reads.

The three items are a statue of the goddess Asherah, an image called "new Adam" with an LGBTQ pride rainbow flag, and a statue of Conchita Wurst (which I have no interest in looking up, so I'll just tell you that Fox News described it as "the drag queen persona of Austrian singer Thomas Neuwirth").

The exhibit also has some Karen in a video asking visitors, "Is what we call God fluid between the sexes?"

You might be asking, "Is that it?" And the answer to that question is, "Yes."

The "museum" also hosted a play titled "Jesus Queen of Heaven," since they're very big fans of storing up wrath for themselves.

The play's author is some bloke named Jo Clifford, who considers himself a "trans woman."

"I had been brought up as a Christian and taught that when you're unsure of what to do, you should try to think, ‘What would Jesus do?' I thought, ‘Well, what would Jesus do if Jesus came back to earth now and was me, a trans woman? What would she do and what would she say?' That was the origin of the play," Clifford said.

Hmm, you'd think if God were fluid between the sexes, he wouldn't repeatedly use male pronouns when referring to himself throughout all of Scripture.

Oh, wait, my bad... I forgot that this un-Biblical-clown-haus never cared what the Bible said anyway.

The only good news here is that this stupid exhibit closes today. Thank God.

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