BLM says they support "Palestinian liberation." Allow me to explain why this means they support terrorists who want to eradicate Jews.
· May 20, 2021 ·

If you need an explanation of why the BLM organization unequivocally supports Islamic terrorists, then you really haven't been paying attention:

For everyone fact-checking out there (I'm looking at you, Forbes), BLM didn't directly name Hamas in their tweet. After all, that might get them a visit from the FBI (once the agency is done investigating Americans for the crime of not voting Biden).

There is no separation between the #FreePalestine movement and terrorist groups, however. Here's the most important thing to note:

By "freeing" Palestine, proponents of the movement mean killing all the Jews.

Let's do a little thought experiment. What BLM and others say they support this "Free Palestine" movement, which entities are they lending support to? They say they support the "people," but like any country, not all Palestinians are united around the same politics or parties.

  • There are around 500,000 Palestinian Christians in the world. They have been increasingly persecuted by Islamists and pushed out of their communities. Certainly, they don't fit in with the jihadi elements. Is BLM standing with them?
  • What about the one-fifth of Israel's population that is Arab and has an elected voice within the country's legislature, the Knesset? These individuals want the nation of Israel to flourish. Does BLM stand with them?
  • The Sharia councils that effectively rule Gaza make it illegal for anyone to be openly LGBT or even for women to travel without a male escort. Does BLM stand with the "people" against those kinds of law?

I can guarantee you that's a big, fat, whopping "no."

How about the ruling factions in the Palestinian territories that are actively calling for the similar end of "colonialism," then?

  • In the Gaza strip, where the vast majority of the current violence is occurring, Hamas rules under the Palestinian Authority. Hamas is an official state-designated terrorist group. The CIA estimates Hamas has between 20,000 and 25,000 fighters. Is BLM supporting them?
  • The West Bank is run by Fatah, a democratic socialist party that has historically been at odds with Hamas. While less violent than the straight-up jihadis in Hamas, the group routinely glorifies violence and martyrdom. The practice has even gotten their official party accounts suspended from social platforms. Is BLM supporting them?
  • Other major entities such as the Palestinian Liberation Organization – an umbrella organization formed in the '60s to "free" Palestine – have "armed struggle" as a core tenant. The PLO was formally recognized by Israel in 1993 but has become increasingly connected to Hamas and other terrorist groups over the years. Is BLM supporting them?

Based on a thing called logic, of course.

There's a reason that former Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell said BLM's statement made him "sick":

I'm old enough to remember the antics of iconic PLO leader Yasser Arafat – how he and others rejected a two-state solution repeatedly because 1) the persecution of his people was good for his pocketbook and 2) a two-state solution isn't what the terrorists want.

Here's the Israeli response to these terrorist attacks. Note that Palestinian deaths touted by the media are caused by Hamas, which doesn't care who gets sent to glory in the crossfire:

Does that sound like an apartheid government bent on destroying its enemies?

Or does that sound like a government that's trying its darnest to protect life?

Here's the reality: BLM supports "Palestinian liberation," which is a phrase overwhelmingly used by groups that use and support "armed struggle."

And yet BLM was adamant alongside the rest of the woke that the unarmed neckbeards that broke into the U.S. Capitol earlier this year was the worst thing in human history and that conservative U.S. troops need to be investigated.

Are you paying attention yet, or are you still looking at the gaslight?

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