You really can't make it up 👇
This guy!
I love that the dude the media branded "Literally Hitler" just can't stop making peace deals while Sweet Grandpa Joe is out there blowing up pipelines and kids in Afghanistan.
By the way, here's Trump's thoughts today on Joe's words about the pipeline that just got blown up:
Everyone immediately laughs at Trump, but lemme point out that the Donald got the Abraham Accords done, signing historic peace treaties between Israel and multiple Muslim nations. He also made inroads with Rocket Man Kimmy from North Korea and he knew how to deal with Putin.
Remember the handshake where he literally pulled Putin toward him like a rag doll at the G20 Summit???
I mean, the media spent 4 whole years claiming this guy was best buds with ol' Vladdy Putin, so he'd be the perfect guy for the job, right CNN?
Don't count Orange Man Bad out!
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇