Well, this is terrifying...
A 2012 interview is recirculating online in which an Islamic scholar in Britain said the UK could fall to Muslim rule and Sharia Law in just 15 years.
It's been 12 years, and that terrible reality feels closer than ever.
In this interview with CBN, Anjem Choudary, a scholar who praised the 9/11 attacks, outlined Islam's plans to undermine Western democracy and implement Islamic tyranny:
When you look at the growth of Islam in Europe, it seems Anjem Choudary's prediction could come true. As of April 2024, there are over 7,838 mosques in Europe, over 3 times as many as in the U.S., and that number is growing rapidly. If nothing changes, Islam will soon be the dominant religion of Europe.
Last year, Anjem Choudary was arrested by British authorities on terrorism charges. He has pled not guilty.
As Islam continues to grow with vast unchecked immigration into the UK, we have to wonder:
At what point should we be concerned that the UK has nukes??? 😬
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