BRUTAL: This poor guy spent $26,000 on a Hellcat, then found out it was a rental ๐Ÿ˜ญ
ยท Mar 28, 2023 ยท

I really don't want to pick on this poor dude who just spent his life savings on a scam but his first clue should have been a Hellcat that was only $26,000.

There are all sorts of rental apps out there that let private owners loan out their car for a price. Some guy rented this Dodge Hellcat, then repainted the wheels, added logos, created a fake title, and sold it to some sucker.

The owner had a GPS tracker on the thing, so he went and found it.

I'm guessing the renter didn't use his real name, so I hope the owner got some photos to give to the police. Otherwise that man is never getting his money back!

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