Burger King has been hit with a class-action lawsuit claiming it made its Whopper appear larger than it really is
· Aug 30, 2023 · NottheBee.com

I never liked the Whopper — I was always a Hardee's Thickburger kind of guy — and maybe now I know why!

A U.S. judge has rejected Burger King's bid to dismiss a lawsuit claiming that it cheated hungry customers by making its Whopper sandwich appear larger than it actually is.

U.S. District Judge Roy Altman in Miami said Burger King must defend against a claim that its depiction of Whoppers on in-store menu boards mislead reasonable customers, amounting to a breach of contract.

So how does a fast-food chain (allegedly) make a burger appear bigger? Well, in this class-action suit's telling, it piled on the toppings in a way that made them spill over the burger patty and out of the bun, suggesting a larger slab of beef than was really underneath.

Is that true? It's hard to tell.

That is a lot of toppings, and it does sort of suggest a big old hunk of meat under there. That lettuce is quite literally doing a lot of heavy lifting.

Burger King has countered that it is not obliged to serve its burgers as they look "exactly like the picture." Which also seems reasonable. But the judge says the jurors will be the ones to "tell us what reasonable people think."

McDonald's, Wendy's, and Taco Bell are also facing similar lawsuits. So it's sort of a trend right now. Fun!

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