Burger King Thailand introduces a new cheese "burger" that will give you a tummy ache just looking at it
· Jul 13, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Burger King in Thailand is now serving heart attacks between two buns.

BK Thailand is advertising their new cheese "burger" (I use that term loosely) as "The real one, real cheese, full of flavor for those who love cheese."

This cheesy bad boy is called the "Super Cheeseburger."

It was first made available last Sunday for about $3.10 USD - which is a steal since the "normal" cost is approximately $10.90 USD.

Don't get me wrong; I love cheese. LOVE it. I may even need to take a trip to Thailand one day... but if I end up finishing just half of this monstrosity, I probably wouldn't make it back home.

So, would you try it?

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