Business Insider very objectively labeled Texas's new abortion laws as "draconian" in a new article where they quoted Dr. Nisha Verma, "an OB-GYN who specializes in abortion care" – or as I would call her, a doctor that I wouldn't trust with a dog I didn't like.
According to the aforementioned ABORTIONIST, a heartbeat doesn't exist in a 6-week old fetus.
"The flickering that we're seeing on the ultrasound that early in the development of the pregnancy is actually electrical activity, and the sound that you 'hear' is actually manufactured by the ultrasound machine."
This is funny because, when I was pregnant and went to that first appointment, the ultrasound tech told me excitedly, "There's the heartbeat!"
Dr. Jennifer Kerns, an OB-GYN and associate professor at the University of California, San Francisco, also told NPR that this noise is simply not a sign of a working heart or functional cardiovascular system.
Dr. Kerns also added that this is a term doctors would use to simplify complicated medical discussions with patients - similar to the term tummy ache, rather than gastroenteritis, or dizzy spell instead of vertigo - and should not be used to make laws.
Oh, so "baby's heartbeat" should just be called "mechanical sound effects of a development of a pregnancy."
That's strange, because if you look anywhere on the internet or in medical manuals, when we're NOT talking about abortion, people readily admit that a baby's HEART is beating at about 80-100 beats per minute as it and other major organs (such as the lungs and kidneys) form around week 6.
It was my impression that a heartbeat indicated there was a baby in my tummy.
If it was only the machine, can someone please explain to me how a baby proceeded to exit the birth canal about 7 months after she said that? That's some crazy coincidence.

Pro-life group Live Action responded to the silly article from Business Insider:
While the heart does not look or function the same as an adult heart, it is still a heart that is pumping blood and beating. That "electrical activity" that so many abortion apologists refer to is cardiac activity.
This is why that "sound the machine makes" is one of the first things doctors check for when a woman discovers she is pregnant.
According to Lumen Learning Anatomy and Physiology,
"The human heart is the first functional organ to develop. The heart begins beating and pumping blood around day 21 or 22, a mere three weeks after fertilization."
Just as a reminder, 3 weeks of fertilization is 5 weeks of pregnancy. Which is still less than the 6 weeks law in question. But I don't think you'll have actual abortionists doing that math for you.
This video from Live Action of Baby Olivia gives us an amazing look at fetal development from fertilization to birth... maybe the folks over at Business Insider would benefit from watching it: