Legal residents of California continue to be second-class citizens in their own state.
The California Senate Appropriations Committee is moving forward with a bill that will give 0% interest loans for the purchase of a house to illegal immigrants.

This will be free money for up to 20% of a home's value, and will require no repayments.
Fresno Assemblyman Joaquin Arambula wrote the bill, saying:
The social and economic benefits of homeownership should be available to everyone. As such, the California Dream for All Program should be available to all.
What a kind heart! He's so generous with other people's money, isn't he?
Any economist worth his salt will tell you this sort of policy will contribute to home shortages and drive up home prices, but that doesn't matter to these people.
They did, however, acknowledge that they don't have the money to do this:
[There will be] unknown significant cost pressures, potentially in the millions annually, to provide additional funding for the Home Purchase Assistance Program to accommodate the expanded eligibility population.
Who knows where the money is coming from! Who cares! Look how Compassionateâ„¢ we are!
Meanwhile, this is how thousands of legal California residents and veterans are living in their own state:
What a disgrace.
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