There are a lot of crazy things stirring in the LGBTQ pot these days, and June (aka Pride Month) seems to be when they all boil up and out onto the rest of us.
Here's an example.
Did you know time is genderphobic?
"Queer temporality"?
What the heck is that?
Essentially, this woman is making the claim that queer and trans people's lives don't start until they transition, and that their lives end much sooner due to "a whole bunch of reasons."

And since their lives are shorter than normal people with our Heterchronology, their experience of time passing being queer and trans is condensed.
To me it sounds a lot like she's saying, "Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow there's a big surprise."

I guess I'm glad queer and trans time does not work the other way around.
LGBTQ holidays already take up half the space on the calendar.
If time was expanded for them, they might take over the rest of the year.

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇