Can we stop putting human blood in things? It’s just weird.
· Oct 24, 2023 ·

I know Halloween is coming up, and being creepy is cool this time of year, but can we just stop infusing things with human blood?

It's weird (and probably unsanitary too).

I mean, first there was Lil' Nas's weird Satan shoes:

And now Blizzard is giving away a liquid-cooled PC infused with real human blood.

I mean, would that even work? I can't imagine human blood would be a great coolant.

The gimmick was hatched to promote its Diablo IV game, to have a blood drive, and to celebrate Halloween (but mostly to sell the game).

They want to raise 666 quarts of blood for the blood drive, so it can't be all bad, right?

Let's take a look at their promotional video.


It's that bad, and I'm not the only one who thinks so.

Here's the overwhelming response on social media:

Aren't there other creepy promotions out there besides using real biologic agents like human blood?

For example, I liked that one about paying for your pizza after you're dead.

That was fun!

Let's see more creative, creepy promotions like that for Halloween.

Or, and I'm just throwing this out there, we could skip Halloween altogether.

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