Here's a perfect example of why boys shouldn't be allowed to participate in girls' sports: This freshman boy couldn't keep up with the other freshman boys, transitioned to "girl," and went on to dominate girls' cross country.
That's Coast Waldorf (ME) Sophomore Soren Stark-Chessa, mediocre in the male category, but dominant in the female category.
In 2022, while representing Coast Waldorf High School in Freeport, Stark-Chessa came in 25th place at the Maine XC Festival of Champions where he ran as a freshman boy, and 14th place at the Southern Maine Class C Regional XC Championship in the Division C Boys 5000 Meter Run Finals.
But things have changed since that transition.
On September 30, Stark-Chessa took 5th place at the Festival of Champions in the female category, with a time that would have ranked him 162nd if he had raced in the male category. One week later, on October 5, Stark-Chessa took first place at the Cape Elizabeth High School 2023 cross country race, besting the fastest female runner by nearly 2 minutes.
On October 21, Stark-Chessa seized the title of "Fastest Sophomore Girl" at a regional high school cross country championship, completing the 3.1 mile course over 80 seconds faster than his female competitors.

Here's Stark-Chessa finishing the Festival of Champions race:
Perfect commentary right there.
And to make matters worse, let's take a look at Soren's father, because you're gonna love this.
Some are also pointing out that Stark-Chessa's father, Dr. Frank Chessa, is the director of clinical ethics at Maine Medical Center in Portland.
The Center has a Gender Clinic in which Dr. Chessa provides ethical guidance. According to the Clinic Handbook: "We have a gender affirmative approach to treatment. We do not approve of any kind of conversion therapy." The Clinic offers "puberty blockers" as well as cross-sex hormones, and provides links to WPATH standards of care, The Gender Unicorn, a "Guide to Safe Tucking" and "Safe Binding."
Bro, we just went from cross country to flippin' sci-fi in like ten seconds. I don't even know what to say about this. It's no wonder this kid decided to join the girls team; dad's a flippin' kid-transing doctor. Such a weird time to be alive right now.
I'll leave you with the words of one of the female competitors in the race Stark-Chessa won by 80 seconds:
High school senior Haley Williams, who finished in 3rd place, told the Portland Press Herald that she knew there was no chance of her winning against Stark-Chessa, stating: "As you probably know there is a runner that identifies as female, and they were running the boys' race last year, and they decided to run the girls' race this year. And it's really, it's very upsetting to me because I've worked my butt off all year."
So unfair.
In Maine, educational institutions must not deny individuals equal opportunity in athletic programs on the basis of their gender identity. And that, ladies and gentlemen, needs to be fixed, because it's Orwellian to the core and girls need their sports back.
P.S. Now check out our latest video π