Not The Bee: Canadian Liberal says "Honk Honk" REALLY means "Heil Hitler" 🤡
· Feb 23, 2022 ·

A Canadian Liberal MP named Ya'ara Saks stood on the floor of the Parliament and claimed "Honk Honk" is actually a Nazi Salute!

And she said so with a straight face...

This liberal looney toon actually said that "Honk Honk" is really just an acronym for "Heil Hitler!"

If there wasn't a video of it you'd think I was making it up!

Since the Canadian Freedom Convoy started, honking was a big part of the protest. The truckers made some noise and their supporters showed their support with hashtags and comments with the now offensive word, HONK.

Her claims are insane and unfounded. But also, incredibly hilarious.

How did Babylon Bee not come up with this first?

Seriously, when I first heard Sak say, "How much vitriol do we have to see of 'Honk Honk'? Which is an acronym for 'Heil Hitler,'" I almost fell on the floor laughing.

Not only is that an absolutely ridiculous thing to say but the anger and seriousness in her eyes and tone of voice is some A-list acting.

I'm obviously not the only one that was shocked by such an absurd statement.

Ezra Levant, CEO of Rebel News (and a Jew), had a spicy response.

The great Tucker Carlson was even at a loss of words, "We're not even going to comment on that."

Honk. Honk.

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