It's getting harder and harder these days to tell the difference between fact and conspiracy theory. Overall, I don't like dwelling on such theories, but if there's one thing 2020 has taught me, it's that the line between theory and fact is getting alarmingly blurred.

I'm not fond of conspiracy theories, but I do happen to have a functioning pre-frontal cortex along with some other handy tools God gave me, such as eyes and ears.
I would have to actively ignore such senses in order to deny suspicion around, say, Jeffrey Epstein's "suicide," or the Biden crime family's international dealings, or insane levels of election "irregularities," or four years of both the media and the intelligence community trying to unseat a sitting president of the United States.
To deny such things would be to see that the sky is blue, and then boldly claim that it's actually green.

One of the benefits of 2020's insanity, however, is that the main actors in conspiracy-theory-worthy escapades have become emboldened in saying all the things out loud.
Whereas politicians and technocrats once had to pretend they weren't up to nefarious doings, now they pretty much say anything with the knowledge that the media won't point the spotlight at anything deemed too extreme for the masses.
One such topic leftist elites looove to talk about is using COVID as a societal engineering vehicle to remake the world as they see fit. Such ideas have been suggested by leftists themselves since the very beginning of this year, when Democratic Rep. James Clyburn first called COVID a "tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision."
I mean, if I was a power-crazed leader and was watching billions of people put aside their liberty for the promise of safety from a vastly survivable virus, I'd probably be excited about grabbing some of that absolute power as well.
Over the summer alarms were raised about further initiatives such as the World Economics Forum's "Great Reset," which aims to restructure economies and societies in line with the vision of these elites. I‘m not going to pander in eschatological predictions or Alex-Jones-worthy rants, but I will say the language on the WEF's site was enough to raise my eyebrows.
"As we enter a unique window of opportunity to shape the recovery, this initiative will offer insights to help inform all those determining the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons," said WEF. "Drawing from the vision and vast expertise of the leaders engaged across the Forum's communities, the Great Reset initiative has a set of dimensions to build a new social contract that honors the dignity of every human being."

(Fact: Someone out there was stroking a cat while writing that and possibly cackling madly)
Remember, my friends, just because an ideology uses words like "dignity" does not mean it is noble. After all, Hitler was merely following the precepts of evolution and Social Darwinism when he sought to refine man genetically by eliminating "unfit" people. Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood have sought to do the same – aiming to have a better society by getting rid of undesirables.
The Communists came at it from a different angle. Instead of a genetic argument, they made a philosophical entreaty of the New Man – a perfect society of perfect beings working in perfect harmony according to their ability and needs. Remember, the goal for the Soviets was never to starve and torture and imprison millions. No, those were just the unfortunate means to the ends of a more dignified, harmonious global society!!
What caused those dreams to erode, and quickly, was the reality of man's corrupt nature.
Sin, the very source of such ideologies, became their destructor as well. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God; thus, any hubris of perfecting men apart from God is foolishness. And yet, despite similar aims of utopia through forced policy being a public goal of world elites, the shadowy realm of those ideologues has remained rather anonymous and removed from direct politics until a certain Canadian Prime Minister trumpeted the "reset" movement. Take a gander:
"This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset," said Canadian PM Justin Trudeau in a September conference with the UN. "This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality and climate change."
Did you get that? "Reimagine economic systems" seems an awful lot like what Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, and Castro did, does it not?
Put simply, what alternative to free market trade is Trudeau espousing? One where the individual has more liberty?
Or one where the individual must follow the diktats of those like Trudeau as they seek to remake mankind in their image?

Fox News' Tucker Carlson was having none of it, calling out the insanity on national TV:
"Oh, this is our chance, says Justin Trudeau. Not our chance to save you from a virus with a 99% survival rate... you'll almost certainly be fine, and they're fully aware of that. This is ‘our' chance to impose totally social controls on the population in order to bypass democracy and change everything to conform to their weird academic theories that have never been tested in the real world and by the way don't actually make sense. This is their 'chance.'"
Tucker went on to shred Trudeau further in this op-ed, which is just fantastic overall.
What do you think, folks? I'm not saying there is a room full of numbered elite operatives sitting around a dark table in a Lithuanian castle stroking white cats, but I do believe there are many world leaders who have been flirting with new expressions of bad ideas that wish to exert their power and will on a population subjugated by fear. Given a choice, what would you say is more dangerous: people like that, or the Rona?