Canadian Parliament committee argues for expansion of state-sponsored suicide to kids ... without age limit and without parental consent if necessary
· Feb 16, 2023 ·

What an exciting time to be alive! Which group do you think they'll suicide next?

Canada should expand assisted dying to include mature minors and patients with mental illnesses, and allow people with illnesses such as dementia to make advance requests for euthanasia, a parliamentary committee report tabled in the House of Commons recommended Wednesday.


Are you a little anxious? Shuffle off that mortal coil!

Are you a kid with your whole life ahead of you? Not if the Canadian government has anything to say about it!

Do you think we should respect our elders? Think again!

Hurry up and kill yourself – people need your organs!

Who needs citizens anyway? We're saving the planet!


But here's how The Globe & Mail describes this complete genocidal lunacy:

If Ottawa actually expanded the availability of medical assistance in dying this widely, Canada would have the most liberal euthanasia law in the world.

Canada will finally be number 1 at something!

Killing its own people!

But, in a reflection of the continuing public debate around medical assistance in dying, or MAID, the recommendations were not unanimous. A dissenting report by Conservatives on the 17-member committee of MPs and Senators suggested that continued expansions of MAID would be reckless, especially when it came to patients under the age of 18.

Darn those pouncing Canadian conservatives. Why do they hate progress??

But Senator Pamela Wallin, a committee member who supports expansion of assisted dying, said the system has many safeguards. "MAID is always a matter of choice," she said, noting that, in surveys, Canadians have expressed strong support for advance requests. "Let's hope the government now acts quickly to answer the needs of Canadians."

The "need" to die.

The committee, whose findings serve as advice to Parliament, heard six months of emotional – and sometimes tense – expert testimony last year. Psychiatrists described their fears that mental health patients who could recover might instead choose assisted death. Palliative care doctors raised concerns about the complexity of giving assisted deaths to seniors with dementia who can no longer consent. Other experts, including clinicians already providing MAID, argued that the law should be guided by capable individuals' right to choose – a respect for patient autonomy that is reflected in the current MAID law.

It's not like we have any other time in human history where an argument about autonomy and choice led to the wholesale slaughter of human beings by greedy industries led by power-hungry people!

Oh, and about killing the kids:

The main report – supported by Liberal, NDP and Bloc-Quebecois members of the committee – recommended expanding MAID to capable minors but restricting it to young patients whose natural deaths are reasonably foreseeable. The report did not propose a bottom age limit, saying that "eligibility for MAID should not be denied on the basis of age alone." Parents, the report proposed, should be consulted "where appropriate," but the will of a minor found to capable would "ultimately take priority."

Not only will the Canadian government trans your son or daughter behind your back (then force you to use his or her new name and "pronouns" on penalty of prison), but they'll also kill your child behind your back!

What a glorious future lies ahead of us!

Imagine a world where 4-year-olds ("the report did not propose a bottom age limit") are signed up for government-ordered "suicide" without their parents' knowledge.

Anyway, I look forward to seeing who is added to this completely-voluntary program next. I wonder if history might provide a clue!

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