Canadian state-run media is using hacked donor lists to terrorize the citizens who gave money to the trucker convoy. This is really happening.
· Feb 16, 2022 ·

If you're a Canadian citizen who gave a few hundred bucks via GiveSendGo to help out the truckers protesting in favor of medical freedom, you are probably sweating bullets right about now, because the state-run media corporation has the receipts:

Although Canadians gave more money than Americans, more than half of the donations to the convoy protest made through the crowdfunding website GiveSendGo came from the United States, an analysis of hacked data from the site reveals.

The data — hacked illegally and released publicly late Sunday evening — sheds light on the identity of thousands of donors to the crowdfunding campaign.

A check by CBC News found that multiple names in the hacked data set correspond to names, dates and donation amounts collected independently by CBC News as the donations rolled in to GiveSendGo.

Oh yes: The Canadian Broadcasting Company—a government-chartered, government-funded media corporation—is "checking" the list of donors to the convoy and publishing its findings.

Why? No reason, just because.

It's definitely not meant to make you sweat profusely and literally fear for your life.

That story was published late Monday afternoon. By Tuesday, the propaganda outfit was ramping up its efforts:

Hacked data indicates millions of dollars from around the world have gone to support the convoy protest in Canada, and now a CBC analysis indicates that money includes nearly $13,000 US (about $17,000 Cdn) donated by people with postal codes in Thunder Bay, Ont.

The majority of those donations came in small sums, similar to what was seen in donations by people across Canada. While Thunder Bay is not a major source of donations, experts say it demonstrates a shift in the way populist movements are being funded in the country.

Hey, donors from Thunder Bay! I betcha feel like you've got a big fat target on your heads right about now, dontcha?

That's the point.

Just how effective is the fear that you'll be found out as a donor? One woman is already going full Stalin show-trial and publicly recanting her support for the truckers:

In the leaked GiveSendGo post, Giuliani wrote she had initially given $100 on GoFundMe, but asked for a refund when that fund was frozen.

"Now I'm giving you $250 and taking food down to the truckers every day. Thank you for continuing to fight for Canadians across this country," she wrote.

Giuliani confirmed she made the donation, but said she had no idea about what she thought was a "peaceful, grassroots movement" would become...

"Never in our wildest dreams did we anticipate what has transpired over the past couple of weeks," she said. "None of us anticipated what it turned into and we certainly don't condone it.

It's a terrible thing to see: Ordinary citizens being frightened by a hostile media into recanting their support for legitimate political causes.

It feels like Soviet Russia or Communist China or North Korea.

But it's Canada. This is Canada now.

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