Got another one. This L.A. County supervisor went out to eat at a restaurant right after voting to ban eating out at restaurants.
· Dec 1, 2020 ·

In another case of our betters not abiding by their own rules, Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl went to a favorite restaurant literally hours after she voted to ban outdoor dining in the county.

In arguing for the ban on outdoor dining, Kuehl called the spread of Covid "a most dangerous situation" and said that it is something "we must take seriously."

That serious action came in the form of banning outdoor dining in LA County. Here's her rationale:

"The servers are not protected from us, and they're not protected from their other tables that they're serving at that particular time, plus all the hours in which they're working."

Wow. Sounds pretty bad. You'd think even without a ban on outdoor dining in place if you really believed that you would just choose to protect those servers by not visiting restaurants.

No? You're just gonna go out anyway? Alright. 🤷‍♂️

Now to be fair, the ban didn't go into effect until Wednesday, and Kuehl visited the restaurant the day before. The people that came to her defense were eager to point this out. But just think with me for a moment.

She did this RIGHT AFTER wringing her hands about just how unsafe dining out is.

It is irrelevant that the ban hadn't gone into effect yet. It shows that she doesn't actually believe what she was saying about the dangers of outdoor dining. So, yes. It is hypocritical. But what do you expect from the government of Los Angeles?

A spokesperson for Kuehl released this milquetoast statement in answer to the criticism the supervisor was getting,

"She did dine al fresco at Il Forno on the very last day it was permissible. She loves Il Forno, has been saddened to see it, like so many restaurants, suffer from a decline in revenue. She ate there, taking appropriate precautions, and sadly will not dine there again until our Public Health Orders permit."

Yes. Very sad. But what can be done (besides not voting for a ban on dining)?!

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