Celebrity Chrissy Teigen claims she has "come to understand" that she didn't have a miscarriage, she REALLY had an abortion. Because everything is stupid and political now.
ยท Sep 17, 2022 ยท NottheBee.com

In 2020, radical pro-abort Leftist Hollywood celebrity Chrissy Teigen announced that she and her husband John Legend lost their baby in a miscarriage.

While the couple grieved the loss of their child the celebrities also doubled down on their abortion stance. Tiegen believes the miscarriage is a tragic loss of life, whereas in abortion it is totally a woman's choice and the baby doesn't really matter.

After the overturn of Roe V. Wade and 2 years of "thoughtful" consideration, Tiegen now claims that the death of her child was not a miscarriage but an abortion.

For two years it was a tragedy, now it's her right to choose.

"Two years ago, when I was pregnant with Jack, John and my third child, I had to make a lot of difficult and heartbreaking decisions," the publication reported her saying at the summit. "It became very clear around halfway through that he would not survive, and that I wouldn't either without any medical intervention."

Following the recent Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, Teigen said she realized that what she had termed a miscarriage was actually an abortion.

"Let's just call it what it was: It was an abortion," she said. "An abortion to save my life for a baby that had absolutely no chance. And to be honest, I never, ever put that together until, actually, a few months ago."

Why is she suddenly calling this an abortion instead of miscarriage of a non-viable baby?

Well, it's politics, of course.

The Left falsely argues that miscarriages and non-viable pregnancies can't be treated because the "treatment" is abortion.

"We were never able to stop the bleeding and give our baby the fluids he needed, despite bags and bags of blood transfusions. It was never enough," she said in a statement shared on social media at the time.

Part of the debate surrounding abortion in some states has been whether it should be legal in cases where the mother's life is at risk.

Umm, no, CNN. The life of the mother is not up for debate in ANY pro-life state. I don't know of anywhere that has outlawed abortion when it save the mother's life. It just isn't a thing.

But, that's what Teigen is claiming.

She is essentially using the loss of her unborn child as a political tool in order to push for limitless abortion.

Teigen, according to THR, said it was during a discussion with her husband about abortion and the sympathy she felt for people who have to make an emotional decision to end a pregnancy that Legend helped her realize they were in fact those people.

"I fell silent, feeling weird that I hadn't made sense of it that way," she said. "I told the world we had a miscarriage, the world agreed we had a miscarriage, all the headlines said it was a miscarriage. And I became really frustrated that I didn't, in the first place, say what it was, and I felt silly that it had taken me over a year to actually understand that we had had an abortion."

Teigen tweeted the THR story on Friday.

"I told you all we had a miscarriage because I thought that was what it was," she wrote. "But it was an abortion, and we were heartbroken and grateful all at once. It just took me over a year to realize it."

She didn't realize she had an abortion until it became politically expedient to call her tragic miscarriage an abortion.

This is among the most despicable, cynical, political moves from a leftist I have ever seen.

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