WATCH: Chelsea Clinton is "working with WHO and The Gates Foundation" to "have the largest childhood immunization effort ever" in the next year and a half
· May 8, 2023 ·

Holy moly it's like they want to prove all the conspiracies are true:

Okay, okay, I get that this isn't talking about the Covid vax in particular.

A lot of kids around the world did lose out on common vaccines like measles, mumps, whooping cough, and diphtheria – deadly diseases that can kill a child.

But here's the thing: A bunch of us said that we shouldn't lock down because anyone under the age of 70 who was healthy was almost certain to beat Covid, but that missed doctor's appointments and supply chain issues would cause tens or hundreds of millions of deaths in the coming decades.

So now the Clintons, Bill Gates, and the WHO – representing the most powerful entities pushing for forced lockdowns and the censorship of those who disagreed or disobeyed – are suddenly concerned about the kids?

Make it make sense!

I try to chalk it up to brainwashing and incoherent worldviews built upon lies, not willful malfeasance meant to ravage the human race...

But then the elites try their hardest to prove that they actually are an evil cabal of globalist vampires that drink the blood of kids!

In the end though, I think the conspiracies come down to something more simple:

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