DeSantis bans Chinese citizens from buying land: "We don't want the CCP in the Sunshine State" ๐Ÿ˜ค
ยท May 8, 2023 ยท






From Fox:

Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation Monday banning Chinese citizens from purchasing land in Florida unless they are also a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.

Florida will not let China buy up all our American farmland or purchase property near critical infrastructure. The Chinese Communist Party is the most powerful Orwellian entity on the planet. They are pure evil and enslave over 12% of the human race under their fists.

China owned 352,140 acres of U.S. land in 2020, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, about 1% of total foreign-held acres. Canadian investors owned 12.4 million acres the same year, the most of any foreign country.

The CCP wants to destroy and diminish America because it is highly racist and believes the "Middle Kingdom" of the Han people should be the rightful rulers of the world. They care nothing about liberty, tolerance, or diversity. They want power and honor, and they can most certainly get it by buying all our land!

This bill also bans people from other dystopian hellholes from owning land in America:

Senate Bill 264 also bans citizens of Russia, Iran, Syria, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela โ€” labeled "countries of concern" โ€” from owning land within 10 miles of military bases and critical infrastructure like airports and power plants. But only residents of China would be banned from owning land anywhere in Florida.

Part of the promise of America โ€“ the thing that makes it great โ€“ is the protection of life, liberty, and property that makes it possible for the average person to own land. Most people in human history have never had this luxury, but it's made the middle class possible in America, and the middle class has made all the technological and financial achievement of the past 200 years possible.

Meanwhile, no one in China actually owns property except for the government. Everything is "shared" by the people, comrade (meaning the Party owns it).

If DeSantis goes on to the presidency, either in 2024 or sometime later, I look forward to him trouncing Emperor Xi every single day.




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