Trans Starbucks barista screams at customer for misgendering him, assaults man filming his outburst
· May 8, 2023 ·

Starbucks is ALWAYS a tricky one because you never quite know whether it's a man or a woman behind the counter, even when they're staring you in the face.

I usually make these visits an exception to my rule of saying "yes sir" and "yes ma'am" to service employees.

Because if you guess wrong you very well may get your butt kicked.

You're being transphobic, Karen, now get out!

This bloke said it himself: He was offended because she didn't call him a "her."

Totally normal behavior, right??

This is reportedly the Starbucks, by the way:

This would be funny if the police in England were more likely to arrest the violent guy instead of the woman who misgendered him!

We used to live in a society.

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