I never thought there would come a day when I would be so in agreement with Bill Maher, but this is some straight fire right here:
[Warning: Language]
When someone as loveably "alt-right" as my myself is nodding along with a far-left dude like Maher, I think indecisive Americans just might – hear me out – just maybe want to pay attention before our freedoms and country cease to exist.
If you read the Twitter comments, you'll see a ton of leftists that were triggered by Maher, posting "ackshually" faster than the speed of sound.
Some even called Maher a "centrist."

Those who agreed with him, were, overwhelmingly – in this timeline to end all timelines – on the political right:
Make sure to send your BlueAnon friends this clip from "far-right" Bill Maher to see if you can red-pill them. 😉