Wild video: Punk kid with a gun tries robbing a dude and the dude picks him up and body-slams the soul out of him
· Apr 17, 2021 · NottheBee.com

The wannabe thug messed around and found out. And screamed like a little girl. [Language warning]:

A few observations:

  1. What. A. Body. Slam.
  2. The young punk's scream is unlike any noise I've ever heard come out of a human. Sounds like a blinkin pig getting stabbed.
  3. That was definitely a gun of some sort he was pointing at the man. You can hear how heavy it is when it bounces off the pavement.
  4. The kid in black like "Hey, let him go you big meanie!" 🤣

These two are lucky they got away without getting arrested or shot in self-defense. Hopefully they learned a valuable lesson.

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