They made Peter Pan Indian, Tinkerbell black, the Lost Boys are girls, but the evil Captain Hook is still white.
It's so on the nose!
Wendy getting truth slapped by the black girls putting a white Karen in her place, Asian Peter Pan asking if we were expecting someone else... please make it stop!
I'm not at all against diverse casts, but my goodness you know all this stuff is purposeful ideological preaching because the wokies are OBSESSED with race and gender.
But I suppose when you have zero creative talent in your entire organization, you have to find some way to make your 40th Peter Pan adaptation memorable.
More from Breitbart:
The credits say the movie is adapted from both the original J.M. Barrie novel as well as Disney's 1953 animated film version.
Disney is still reeling from a number of woke flops, including the animated environmental movie Strange World, which featured a gay teen protagonist, and Pixar's Toy Story spin-off movie Lightyear, which featured a lesbian kiss.
Disney came off a rough 2022 in which profits plummeted and the stock tumbled 44 percent.
Here's to more free fall!