So Clarke Humphrey, the Deputy Digital Director for Biden's COVID-19 Response team, has some interesting tweets in her past...
First, there's these tweets about those stupid white people:
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Then there's a tweet presumably saying all white men should be cancelled, with a link to an opinion article calling for the demonization of said white men to stop:
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Next, she made fun of how Asians apparently don't speak English well:
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And just to top it off, she made fun of Asians apparently having temper tantrums!

Remember, according to the media, the Biden administration is one of #unity and #inclusion and has only perfect leaders who love sunshine and rainbows.
After all, says the Left, Clarke Humphrey is black and is therefore is incapable of bigotry and sin!
Humphrey will likely be given a pass, but if she were a conservative, there is absolutely no way she'd be given that same grace.