Check out this stunning video of a Navy aircraft carrier “shock trial” that registered as a freaking earthquake
· Jun 21, 2021 ·

This is how the U.S. Navy is testing the USS Gerald R. Ford to make sure she's still fit for battle conditions:

If your ship is designed for warfare, it might not be a bad idea to make sure it can withstand explosions and shockwaves! The idea of a "shock trial" dates back to WWII, but the last trial for an aircraft carrier was held in 1987.

The massive 40,000 POUND DETONATION a hundred miles off the coast of Florida created a 3.9 magnitude quake, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

The Gerald R. Ford, which is the most sophisticated carrier the U.S. has – will now go to the dry dock for some updates and repairs, just in case she needs to survive a real encounter one day.

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