Leaked notes show Biden gets detailed instructions on how to walk to podiums. Check out the reactions ๐Ÿ˜ญ
ยท Jul 8, 2024 ยท NottheBee.com

It's been fascinating to watch the leftist media suddenly turn on Biden once they realized they could no longer hide his deteriorating mental condition. Now, there seems to be a full-court press to remove him from the race, even among White House staffers.

The latest example is a story from far-left Axios, which received some leaked details of printed instructions given to Biden ahead of a campaign event that provided detailed visual instructions on how ... to walk to a podium:

Before a presidential event, the White House sends event staffers a document to emulate when preparing their own materials for the president.

  • One template โ€” a copy of which was obtained by Axios โ€” is short and simple, with one large picture of the event space on each page, accompanied with big text such as: 'View from podium,' and 'View from audience.'

  • In the five-page document, two pages are separate pictures of, 'Walk to podium.'

A staffer reportedly said to Axios:

It surprised me that a seasoned political pro like the president would need detailed verbal and visual instructions on how to enter and exit a room.

Axios was quick to run cover for the president:

Organizing presidential events โ€” often called 'advance work' โ€” is intensive and detail-focused for every commander-in-chief.

That's right, nothing to see here!

Reactions on the internet were as you would expect:

Someone even went through the trouble of providing a meme template so you can create your own Biden instructions:

People are already making use of it:

Do you have instructions for the president? Use the template and do your thing!

P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐Ÿ‘‡

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