Chicago businesses prepare for mass gathering of Democrats by boarding up stores
· Aug 19, 2024 ·

The Democrat National Convention is starting in Chicago, and considering how often large gatherings of Democrats are reported as mostly-peaceful, can anyone blame businesses for being a little worried?

A lot of downtown businesses aren't waiting around for the riots to start; they've already started boarding up their windows.

‘We have experience with this, and the city doesn't have a great track record with protecting their businesses or their citizens' property. So we want to be preemptive and board up and in advance of the Democratic convention,' Scott Shapiro, owner of Syd Jerome, said as he boarded up his business.

‘Since 2019, we've been looted or vandalized, four separate occasions. So, like I said, you know, we have a little experience with this, and we haven't gotten any reassurances from the city that they will be doing anything downtown specifically,' Shaprio explained. ‘So we wanted to make sure we were safe. The store was safe, and our employees were safe.'

Shapiro was also sent to the hospital during one of those incidents during the George Floyd riots.

Police are even out there building walls to keep those mostly-peaceful types from illegally entering the convention.

Ironic isn't it?

So, what are the protestors there for?

It's the free-Palestine crowd (mostly college students) who've jumped on the anti-semitism bandwagon.

You'd think it would be a shock to all the Democrats coming to the convention to walk through what looks like a war zone.

But most of them live in Democrat-led cities, so that's what their trip to the grocery store looks like.

It should be an interesting week, folks!

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