China is extending its total lockdown to Beijing and residents are panic buying before the commies weld them in their homes
· Apr 27, 2022 ·

You want to know how to run a country?

The exact opposite of communist China.

Man, I can hear Justin Trudeau panting from here.

Beijing is bracing for a potential lockdown in the face of a new COVID outbreak. Residents are stocking up on supplies, and authorities have ordered 20 million people to take three mandatory tests this week.

Why it matters: Sticking with President Xi Jinping's zero-COVID strategy effectively means leaving the entire country indefinitely on the edge of lockdown.

This is absolutely insane. Lockdowns do not work. In case moral wisdom and reason aren't enough to prove that fact, scientific studies are showing exactly how epic of a fail these policies are.

Here's the problem with a totalitarian dystopia without a system of checks and balances based on individual rights: When the supreme leader goes mad trying to prove his crazy ideas, there's nothing to stop him.

Between the lines: Xi is so personally tied to the zero-COVID approach — which he publicly defended last week— that some experts think he simply can't be seen to abandon it.

Winnie the Pooh thinks the honey is up in that tree and he's not gonna stop until he gets it.

There is no way to quantify the human suffering and death that is happening as a result.

A month into Shanghai's lockdown, which has seen severe shortages of food and heartbreaking scenes such as parents being separated from their COVID-positive children, authorities in China's financial capital are erecting fences to pen residents inside their buildings.

Residents have been literally welded inside their homes. Others have been evicted from their homes (because you own nothing in communism) to turn their homes into quarantine camps for strangers. Others yet have had their dogs and cats beaten or strangled to death in front of them.

Countless more have been forcibly beaten by police before being dragged away to huge, crowded quarantine facilities where they are forced to sing songs of praise to the government.

Residents in Beijing have apparently seen the horror stories.

One woman in Beijing told WSJ she had purchased a freezer over the weekend and filled it with enough to feed her family of five for three months.

  • And, of course, none of these brutal policies are working.
  • The effectiveness of zero-COVID in China, in contrast to rampant outbreaks in the West, has been a crucial narrative for the Communist Party and Xi.
  • But more contagious variants mean outbreaks are now being detected in cities all over the country, all at once. More than 70 cities have faced some form of lockdown since mid-March.

The CCP created this worldwide mess, and now they're destroying their nation in an attempt to prove they're better at containing it than the West.

And while I don't wish this horrible suffering on the Chinese people, I am more than willing to watch the Marxists shoot themselves in the foot. I look forward to the day when the Chinese people rise up to take back their God-given rights from these evil despots.

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