We live in a weird time when progressives want us to think that the biggest threat to the country is something called "Christian Nationalism," yet the Satanists are out here acting like they're the ones who run the whole show.
You've got murderous Satanic abortion clinics in New Mexico, Satanic statues to Baphomet in Iowa's capitol rotunda (defended by Christians, btw), and you've got after-school Satan clubs popping up all over the country.
Chimneyrock Elementary in Memphis, Tennessee, is the newest school to begin an after-school Satan club run by the Satanic Temple.
I was told that Tennessee, a Republican state with a Republican governor, a majority of Republicans in both legislative chambers, and two national Republican senators was a Christo-fascist state!
They banned surgical abortion and transing the kids! They're dangerous Christian Nationalists!

However, if you want to go into a taxpayer-funded school and influence children to follow the tenets of the Satanic Temple, go right ahead! No one in power is going to stop you!
The Satanic Temple, which also advocates for ritual abortions, claims to be a "non-theistic religion that views Satan as a literary figure who represents a metaphorical construct of rejecting tyranny and championing the human mind and spirit." It claims it does "not attempt to convert children to any religous ideology" but "supports children to think for themselves." The Temple does this while using satanic imagery such as pentagrams and representations of Satan.
Seems totally cool with all the Ultra-MAGA Christian Nationalists that David French, Russ Moore, and the Veggietales guy are super worried about!
If the conservative Christians in Tennessee can't see the difference between a true religious club and the Satanic Temple's anti-religion and subversion of religion, I don't think Rob Reiner's crew has much to worry about.
The school board has defended the decision, citing a recent ruling under the Trump Administration recognizing the Satanic Temple as a non-profit religious group, the same as any other church.
There's no other word to use but evil.
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