Christian "Postmodern Therapist" Tells Chicago Church That A Majority of White People Have "Post-Traumatic Slave-Master Disorder"
· Mar 3, 2021 ·

Nathaniel McGuire is a Christian counselor who uses a "postmodern therapy" model to counsel. In a "Gospel Conversation" (yes, those are meant to be scare quotes) with Renewal Church of Chicago, McGuire goes off-the-rails-woke, claiming so many outrageous things, including that a MAJORITY of white people have a racism disorder.

I am going to see how many times I can use the "that's racist" gif in one story. Buckle up.

Watch the clip of McGuire here, courtesy of Woke Preacher Clips:

He starts this contention by stating that "racism is a disease" and that it is "passed down generation to generation" of course implying that white folks inherit racism at birth, just by dent of being white.

McGuire makes the argument that being racist is probably a mental illness, referencing research on the subject. However, the issue he has is that it technically can't be referred to as a "mental disorder" because "a majority of white people have this issue."

McGuire goes on with this Critical Race Theory nonsense and reaches the heart of his argument.

"What if racism is a disorder and the majority of the white population does have it? They're dealing with a mental illness and they don't even know it, and so they don't have that truth. Part of my passion is to help white and black people understand we are dealing with a mental illness."

Ooooh, so white people, or most of them, have a mental illness and they don't even know it? McGuire's mission is to expose the MASS mental illness and disorder of MOST of the population who, again, are born into this way of being just due to their skin color.

And here is what we all came for ladies and gentlemen, and I do mean ladies and gentlemen.

McGuire begins talking about inferiority and superiority complexes, saying that black people have historically been victimized and that can cause inferiority complexes and how we talk about that a lot. Then the counselor talks about the white superiority complex, and this is a DOOZY. He says we don't talk enough about how white people (his generalization) have superiority complexes and what that comes from.

"We don't deal with the people who deal with the trauma of post-traumatic slave-MASTER disorder... you know, we're not even dealing with it."

All together now!

Now I get why he calls himself a "postmodern" counselor because his relationship with the truth and honesty could not be any more tenuous. HIS truth seems to be that MOST white people are racists. HIS truth is that because white people in the past owned slaves, that white people today are suffering from an inherited "slave-master disorder." (No word on what he thinks of the countless white people who have been slaves in world history.)

I don't have to tell you, faithful Not the Bee readers, just how crazy this is. But what's more crazy is that everyone on the screen, and the church leader offscreen are all nodding along as if what's being said makes complete sense.

CRT has so brainwashed our society that people can hear racist drivel like this, and quietly nod and affirm what's being said.

And this is part of a "gospel conversation"??? In what world is calling a large portion of society helplessly MENTALLY DISORDERED and sowing racial division in any way part of the good news of Jesus Christ? What world do we live in where a church can call this racial slander part of the gospel, or related to the gospel?

No need to say anymore, other than the man, Mr. McGuire, who is calling most white people mentally ill seems to be suffering from a bit of confusion himself. It's an insane contention, it's a racist idea, and it needs to be condemned. And if you're a person who nods along and doesn't challenge this, you're just as guilty.

Woke Preacher Clips does such great work on Twitter, so credit to him for breaking this. He also provides sources to full context here, here, here, and here. Give him a follow and support the work he does.

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