Cigar shop owner puts up 'Biden voters keep out' sign and judging by his interview with the local news he is pretty worked up about it
· Jan 14, 2021 ·

Shaun Thompson, owner of Elmhurst Cigar House in the West Suburbs of Chicago, put up this sign at the entrance to his business a few weeks ago:

Pretty funny, right?

He makes a good point. This is the kind of stuff liberal businesses have done to Trump supporters in the past. There also exist several websites devoted to shoppers who specifically want to avoid Trump-supporting businesses.


But Mr. Thompson seems to have lost it here, and you have to check out this short snippet of his interview because it's actually quite hilarious:

Do us all a favor: don't be like Shaun Thompson. Run your business like a normal person, and don't lower yourself to the level of a liberal.

Stay strong my friends.

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