Circle Back And Watch Psaki And The Biden White House REFUSE To Blame Communism For The Unrest In Cuba

Harris Rigby

Jul 14, 2021

The Biden Administration has been pretty wishy-washy on the subject of protests happening in Cuba right now. While Biden and his mouthpiece Psaki will offer lip service to the "rights" of Cuban people to peacefully protest, they have made it utterly clear that they have no idea what the people of Cuba are protesting.

The messaging that is coming from the Biden White House is that they believe protests are over Covid Vaccine policy and government "mismanagement."

The truth, as everyone with half a brain knows, is that the people in Cuba are protesting against the Communist dictatorship that has plagued their nation for nearly 60 years.

However, despite the oppressive Communist regime in Cuba forcing dissidents to flee, the Department of Homeland Security this week let it be known that if Cuban migrants try to sail to the US they will not be welcomed.

For four years we were told how cruel and inhumane it was to turn away refugees. How the nation was run by a bad orange man who hated people of other nations. Squad members, in regards to border security, would often say that "the cruelty is the point" and Trump was just being mean because he's bad. And orange. And a bad orange man.

Now, when those refugees are actually legit refugees fleeing a Communist dictatorship?

No. You can't come here. Sorry.

Fox News's Peter Doocy, the only media member who ever seems to do his job in White House briefings, pressed Jen Psaki today on this issue. Doocy asks for clarification on this issue, and what exactly the administration believes the Cuban people are protesting and fleeing.

After a short, and confusing, back and forth Doocy asks point blank, "Do you think that people are leaving Cuba because they don't like communism?" and Psaki mindlessly repeats the state line:

I think we've been pretty clear that we think people are leaving Cuba... and protesting in the streets as well, because they are opposed to the oppression, to the mismanagement of the government in the county.


We stand with the Cuban people in their call for freedom from both the pandemic and from decades of repression and economic suffering to which they have been subjected from Cuba's authoritatrian regime.

Sooooo, there are a couple of notable peculiarities from that answer.

First, Doocy asked specifically about communism and whether that system of government contributed to the number of people trying to float from Cuba to Florida.

But for some reason, Psaki and the Biden camp cannot mention the word communism. Instead, we get this feeble euphemistic language like "mismanagement of government." No, Jen, it's not the competence of government management that's the problem. It's the entire evil system of government known as communism.

Communism is evil. It's okay to say it. I promise.

But that isn't the end of this idiocy from the Biden White House. Now Psaki is explicitly claiming that the Cuban people are demanding their freedom from, you guessed it, Covid-19.

The fact is that, for days now, the Biden White House has been peddling the idea that the protests in Cuba, the wave of freedom lovers trying to escape, are motivated by the Covid-19 pandemic and the desire for vaccines.

This obtuse move by the Biden White House is openly political and disgusting. It provides cover to a communist regime and insults the pro-freedom protestors in Cuba.

Let's not pretend we don't know what this is about. Why would they turn away Cuban refugees but welcome thousands of migrants across the southern border every day? The answer is simple. The immigrants coming across the border are waving their home nation's flag, the ones coming from Cuba wave the American flag.

Cuban Americans skew Republican, other immigrants do not.

Do the math. The Biden administration has.

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