The city of San Francisco is purchasing shots of vodka to give to homeless alcoholics. Yes, this is NOT the Bee.
· May 11, 2024 ·

San Francisco just stepped into the world BEYOND parody.

Beyond Clown World™.

The City of San Francisco is providing free beer and vodka shots to homeless alcoholics at taxpayer expense under a little-known pilot program.

The "Managed Alcohol Program" operated by San Francisco's Department of Public Health serves regimented doses of alcohol to voluntary participants with alcohol addiction in an effort to keep the homeless off the streets and relieve the city's emergency services.

Who thinks of these programs?

Who are the experts who are saying, "You know, maybe if we gave the homeless alcoholics FREE BOOZE we could start to get this city cleaned up!"

Taxpayers in San Francisco are buying beer and vodka for homeless people!

This is insane!

'Established in countries such as Canada and Australia, a managed alcohol program is usually administered by a nurse and trained support staff in a facility such as a homeless shelter or a transitional or permanent home, and is one method to minimize harm for those with alcohol use disorder,' the California Health Care Foundation explains in an 2020 article describing the pilot program.

'By prescribing limited quantities of alcohol, the model aims to prevent potentially life-threatening effects of alcohol withdrawal, such as seizures and injuries.'

Well, since this program started, which was way back during Covid, they've booked a hotel in Frisco and housed homeless addicts. Originally, there were just 10 beds for the program. It has doubled to 20 now.

And how much are they spending to house and booze up 20 alcoholic hobos a year?

But the program, which started with 10 beds, has since been expanded into a 20-bed program that operates out of a former hotel in Tenderloin with a $5 million annual budget, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.


To give alcohol to alcoholics!

Can you imagine Ron Swanson right now?

$5 million every year for free room, board, and "enough alcohol 'to meet their addiction needs, but keeping someone at a safe level of intoxication.'"

San Francisco... I can't even.

Of course, the program is also racist, surprise surprise.

Initial success in stabilizing alcoholic patients prompted health officials to expand the pilot into a long-term program with 10 beds earmarked for 'the Latinx and indigenous population,' while 12 additional beds are supported at the city's traditional sobering center, Moughamian said.

"Latinx" and native drunks get half the beds? That seems a little ... I don't know. It feels like they're saying something racist about these groups. And, of course, drunk whities are going to have to get their alcohol the same way hobos have for years before San Fran started subsidizing it.

Even San Francisco's woke mayor says the program is dumb.

Still, the program has also received criticism from none other than San Francisco Mayor London Breed, who said in February that harm reduction was 'not reducing harm' but 'making things far worse.'

If you've lost London Breed, you've boarded the wrong train.

Totally unreal.

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