Take a wild guess as to which airline's plane this fight happened on
· May 11, 2024 · NottheBee.com

Bro, are there ever any flights by this airline which don't feature fistfights? Or do they just have an extra fee for that pay-per-view MMA match when you book?

Yes, this is Spirit Airlines, and yes there was a fistfight.

Check out what happened Tuesday after Spirit Airlines Flight 3907 out of Myrtle Beach touched down in Boston.



According to multiple passengers, these men had been going at it verbally for most of the flight. So when that plane touched down it was like a bell rang.

And seriously, like, bros, who fights on an airplane? You know you can get in serious trouble for that, right?

As part of its most recent reauthorization in 2018, the FAA can propose up to $37,000 per violation for unruly passenger cases. Previously, the maximum civil penalty per violation was $25,000. One incident can result in multiple violations.

So my guys, you could've saved yourselves a boatload of money by postponing your fight until you made it to the parking lot. That fight would've been much more interesting on the pavement anyways.

For real though, they should start serving popcorn on those Spirit Airlines flights, cuz this stuff's better than HBO.

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