CNN+ folded so quickly that some staffers actually received welcome packages AFTER the network pulled the plug on it
· May 14, 2022 ·

How rapidly and unexpectedly did CNN+ crash and burn? This rapidly:

Several people who were laid-off from their jobs at the ill-fated CNN+ received welcome packages from the company a full week after the streaming service shut down, according to reports.

A Wall Street Journal article examining the quick decline of CNN+ - which launched on March 29 and ceased operations on April 27 - reports that several former employees received these welcome gifts, which included ink pens, headphones and popcorn makers.

All of the merchandise bore the logo of CNN+, and some of them contained welcome messages, with one unnamed former employee saying they received a message reading: 'This is an incredible time to be part of CNN.'

"This is an incredible time to be part of CNN." Yeah...

I mean, look, it's very depressing that these laid-off staffers were slapped in the face with CNN's failure (and their own unemployment) a full week after everything went in the can. That's just brutal.'s in some ways even more weird that CNN mailed out the "welcome packages" in the first place. Like, what is this, freshman orientation at a state university? "Ink pens, headphones, and popcorn makers?" What major corporation does that? Is that a normal thing?

Okay not gonna lie it would be kind of nice to get a new popcorn maker. It's still pretty odd though.

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