CNN just had its lowest-rated week among key 25-54 demographic since 1991
ยท May 23, 2024 ยท

Man, you just love to see it!!

CNN, the world's fakest of fake news outlets, is tanking, ladies and gentlemen โ€”



Things are not looking good for CNN. They're in desperate need of that Trump ratings boost.

CNN witnessed its lowest-rated week in primetime viewership among one of its key demographics since 1991.

The network reeled in just 83,000 viewers among the 25-54 demo during the week of May 13 to 19 from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., the New York Post reported Thursday. The total viewership for the week garnered 494,000, while its main competitors Fox News and MSNBC witnessed 2 million and 1.1 million.

What a great, uplifting piece of news. I literally couldn't provide a better story on such a beautiful day as this. We are witnessing the downfall of CNN in real time and my popcorn is running low.

The low numbers dealt a major blow to CNN's editor-in-chief Mark Thompson, who assumed his current role in August after the firing of CEO Chris Licht in June. He said the network is facing an "existential crisis" as leadership is combating a series of drastic changes and facing the drop in television viewership โ€ฆ

Throughout 2023, the network witnessed an all-time record low in the 25- to 54-year-old demographic and had its lowest number in total viewers since 2014, Mediaite reported. It suffered a 15% drop from the previous year, averaging 482,000 viewers per day, dropping from the 568,000 average viewership in 2022.

Keep up the good work, CNN!

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