I've heard it a lot over the past week: That those evil conservatives are trashing the glorious and unstained character of the Federal Bureau of Investigations, which is pure as the driven snow.
AG Garland said the same thing, hiding behind many of the good agents who do good work at the FBI to hide the fact that he personally ordered the grossly partisan raid on a former president for a Hail Mary witch hunt that makes banana republics look more just than America.
Even Republican legislators are criticizing those who are calling for a total overhaul of the Justice Department and the FBI:
It's really something to see.
Newsflash for the FBI/DOJ: There may be a lot of your individual employees who still have a lot of integrity and care about the Constitution, but as for the utter disgust that tens of millions of us have for you right now...

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇